Reporting Bullying and Harassment

Board Policy: J.16


Pike Road Schools is committed to providing all students and employees with a safe and supportive school environment in which all members of the school community are treated with respect. Teachers and other staff members are expected to teach and demonstrate by example that all members of the community are entitled to respect.

It is hereby the policy of the Pike Road School Board of Education to prohibit harassment based on real or perceived race, color, religion (creed), national origin, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, disability, or on the basis of association with others identified by these categories.

This policy is intended to comply with Alabama as well as federal requirements. The School District shall act to investigate all complaints of harassment, formal or informal, verbal or written, and to discipline or take other appropriate action against any member of the school community who is found to have violated this policy.

Section 2. Definitions

Harassment:  Harassment means a continuous pattern of intentional behavior that takes place on school property, a school bus, or at a school-sponsored function including but not limited to written, electronic, verbal, or physical acts that are reasonably perceived as motivated by any characteristic of a student or employee, or by the association of a student of employee with an individual who has a particular characteristic, if the characteristic falls into one of the categories of personal characteristics set forth in this policy.

Intimidation: As used in this policy, intimidation means a threat or other action intended to cause fear or apprehension in a student or employee, especially for the purpose of coercing or deterring the individual from participating in or taking advantage of any school program, benefit, activity, or opportunity for which the student of employee is or would be eligible.

Threat of Violence: As used in this policy, threat of violence means an   expression of intent by a student or employee directed to another student or an individual in the school community to inflict injury or damage.

Violence:  As used in this policy, violence means the infliction of physical force by a student or employee with the intent to cause injury to another student or member of the school community or to damage the property of another student or member of the school community.


To read the full policy statement click here.


To report an incident of Harassment/Bullying, please complete and submit the Record of Report of Student Bullying, Harassment, Intimidation form to an administrator at your school located below.